Pics of the new Necrons have leaked. I'm quite glad that another Xenos has been updated. GW did a great job on last year's Dark Eldar range. Many (myself included) believed that the foul kin had gone the way of the Squat, when GW unleashed what may be, their single finest range to date. Sure, there are a couple of models that are sub par or poor, but, taken together, the DE has been reborn in the best way possible. The range, taken together, is perhaps the best looking range, bar none. The rule book is also amazing. The fluff is outstanding, and the rules are fun and imaginative, without being overpowering, cheap, or unfair. The book is remarkably balanced- the DE have strengths and weaknesses; they are not "flavor of the month" or the latest "overpowered army". GW did a great job on it, and I've been enthusiastically doing DE ever since!
Now, GW is getting ready to revive the Necrons. These guys have gotten the shaft for quite some time (though, not as long as the DE). I've always liked the look of the Necrons, and I love their background (which, I've heard, is changing a bit- so we'll see). I would have had a Necron army, but I was too devoted to Chaos to do so (and I still am). So, the new Necrons will be out in a month, and some of the pics have leaked online.

Yep, I've been playing Chaos for a very long time now. I first dabbled with it by trying to create my own Chaos Marines, the "Knights of Vengeance". That didn't last. I painted up a small group of Khorne Berserkers, but I quickly found Nurgle. Ah! This was the force I wanted. It was either the static plastic ones (all holding the knives the same way) or the metal ones. They all had spike helmets, rebreathers... reminding me of WWI in many ways. Yep- I fell in love and never looked back.

Even better, the Eye of Terror Campaign came out not too long after. Wow! That book was also amazing for the forces of Chaos! The "Lost and the Damned" got me going, thinking about the "larger picture" of Chaos- its not just the Lost Legions- traitors, lunatics, mutants, scarred individuals, and more, all flocking to the banners of Chaos. Now, I got to clearly see how the forces of Chaos would REALLY work. The Marines were the leadership and heavy hitters- it was the "Lost and Damned" that provides the bulk of Chaos' fighting forces around the whole galaxy. Imperium of Man- Beware!!
I love the idea of a single Chaos Marine Champion leading a host of zombies, traitor guard, or whatever against a besieged Imperial citizenry. The idea that each and every Marine is a one man army in and of himself is expressed so clearly here- plus they are empowered by the gods of Chaos. As far as the book goes- again, this really inspired me and my friends, and I made a TON of Plague Zombies because of the EoT book. The best of times, no doubt. At the height, I had a hundred Plague Marines, tanks, terminators, Daemons, and +50 Plague Zombies.... Whew! And that was before Apocalypse!

As for the rules... ugh. Nothing was legion specific. Even the daemons are "generic". Chaos should be anything but generic. There were a few options for the Daemon Prince or lord, but the variety was gone. The Plague Marines (and other cults) were there and fairly good, but the rest of the army had no flavor. Nothing special. And... the Chaos Icons for non-troops. How the heck does that work?! So, a set of "Death Guard" terminators need an Icon to get the "favor of Nurgle" (+1T) but.... if the Icon guy dies, then the bonus is gone. Huh?! So 10 thousand year old PM Terminators suddenly are no longer sick because they lost a banner?! That's crazy! And so UN-FLUFFY! The biggest crime of all in the 4th Edition book. Oh boy.
But now, I have some hope. GW has been doing well in reviving and repairing the books that really need it. The Blood Angels redo is fantastic, the Dark Eldar has been phenomenal, and the Grey Knights are strong (though not as good as the previous two). This makes me think that GW can and will repair the damage done to Chaos. So, with that in mind, I will be listing the top 10 things that I would like to see done for a new Chaos Codex. This list is in no particular order, so here we go:

3- Fluff please! The Chaos Marines have the best backstory out there, both for the Legions and more recently turned renegades. There is so much story to tell. Again, take a page from the DE- go all out with the stories these guys have to tell. Are they pure evil? Fallen heroes? Pawns of the gods? Anti-heroes? Pirates? Lone wolves? It is endless, and the book should really sell that aspect.
4- Not just "marines with spikes" OR Marine reavers (Corsairs). The last book suffered from this in many respects. Chaos Marines were just regular marines pretty much. Change that. Make these guys unique. You can balance the idea that they WERE marines, but still have them having their own rules and abilities. Push it!
6- Lost and the Damned- am I getting greedy here? No. This is what the dark forces of Chaos really are. If it was JUST Marines, there simply wouldn't be enough of them to be a threat. The gods can sway the minds of mortals. This is what swells the ranks of Chaos. The Marines are the leaders. They use these dregs, and then take what they want. This MUST be reflected in the book. Let them take traitor guardsmen. Let them have mutants, spawn, etc. Again, it certainly CAN be done. EoT did it- so can they now. It would make the Chaos codex the widest, most INSANE army to face, and that's what it should be. Not necessarily TOUGH, but certainly UNPREDICTABLE. That's Chaos.
8- Make them competitive- the current book was good when it came out, the real problem was lack of variety and fluff. However, codex creep set in and well, Chaos became much weaker in comparison. I think they should be stronger- but not overpowering. Again, I look to the DE book- it is balanced. ALL books should be so balanced. Certainly, Chaos needs a bit of a bump to compete against newer books.
10- Make them cool! Chaos is cool- the gods, mythology, the Legions, Corsairs, daemons, Lost and Damned... Chaos is amazing for 40K (in fact, I think 40K would have LESS pull without Chaos). So, come what may, make the forces of the coolest thing going. That will draw players, and that will be good for us and GW.
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